Bail Bonds
Bail is part of the legal system that enables an accused to remain free pending trial. A bail bond is a financial guarantee acceptable to the court that will act as incentive for the accused to appear for trial on a scheduled date. A licensed bail service provider can arrange bail bonds. A bail bondsman can help you get a loved one out of jail, quickly. All About Bail Bonds is a licensed bail service provider and can arrange bail bonds in Conroe, Cypress, Greenspoint, Harris County, Houston, Humble, Katy, Kingwood, Liberty, Midtown, Pearland, Spring, Sugar land and Tomball, TX.
An accused has a right to a reasonable bail. This right is written into the constitution. In fact the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States guarantees you the right to a reasonable bail. Bail can be in the form of cash, property guarantees or a bail bond. After bail is posted an accused will be released from custody and will be expected to appear in court on the set date. If an accused fails to appear in court, in other word if he or she skips bail, then the bail money will be forfeited.
What this all means is that it is not impossible or even difficult to get a loved one out of jail, provided you choose a professional and reputable bail service company. The bail bondsman will then go to work and arrange to post the required bail in the form of a bail bond. The bond service company charges a premium for this service which is usually around 10% of the bail amount.
You may well be required to act as co-signer or surety regarding the bail bond. This means you assume financial responsibility and this should also be an important motivating factor for an accused to appear in court on the due date.